Our fundamental principles

High quality 

As a comprehensive school, we are committed to the high quality of our work, which is directly based on the knowledge of Maria Montessori. We recognise that every age development is unique and we want to offer the children the best possible emotional and educational support. 

Multicultural and multilingual with German as a basic language

We practise multilingual teaching wherever possible and see diversity in terms of language and culture as an enrichment. The aim is to live a respectful and tolerant interaction between all participants from the most diverse cultures. The basic language of our schools is German. 

Holistic and all-day 

Our endeavours are to be understood holistically. Children learn constantly and in a networked way and therefore not just in the classroom. As a result, they gain increasing self-confidence, become independent step by step and experience self-efficacy. This in turn fuels further learning until they have developed into independent and self-confident individuals. 

Individual & collaborative 

Our approach focusses on the child and their individual needs. We actively look for solutions and focus on what works well for the child. In this way, we create a stimulating learning environment for everyone, in which the child can also use their knowledge in the community.

d'Insle Montessori Schule AG
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